Anthony is doing great in school. He is learning a lot and is OBSESSED with learning letters. He constantly has a pen and paper or his magnadoodle and is quizzing me or telling me what letter words start with. He traces perfectly and does pretty good free hand too! He is a lefty so he has a tendency to write letters sideways, from right to left, and top to bottom.... Is that a lefty thing or a 3 year old thing? I don't know, but his teachers are great and work with him closely to avoid creating bad habits. He's very lucky to be in a small class in a great school with wonderful teachers and very fun friends! He surprised me the other day by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance the whole way through. It was so cute and hilarious to hear his version of the big words.. like "the republic" is "The Publix" (which is our big grocery store here). He is very stubborn and knows he right about everything so its impossible to correct him on anything... like the statue of "Liverty" or E's have 4+ lines in them. Anyway, he loves "Show and Tell Friday's" and this week he needed to bring something that had to do with his family... So he picked this UTAH snow globe... so cute! On the left side of the top picture is his best little school friend Vinny and one of his teachers, Miss Sherrie. He and Vinnie are two little peas in a pod and always get along well. His teachers say they are quite a pair, she feels like she is on the streets of New York with Anthony and Vinny. Vinny has a 5 year old brother named Anthony (Tony), so he call my Anthony "Anthony Mazza" every time!
Anthony was pleasantly surprised that he caught a baby lizard in our front yard.
He has been insisting on wearing his "cool" jeans although it is 1000 degrees outside!
Little kids are the best. He is at such a fun age when they are learning great stuff and school is a whole new world. He's a little smarty pants for sure!
He is seriously soooo cute!!! I love the lizard photos and those are cool jeans!
It's funny that his good friend is named Vinnie, since that is what we called Ant the whole time he was in the belly.Ü Good job on catching the lizard, little buddy. Grammy loves you.
I can't believe he is big enough for school..... Can't he stay little for a little while longer? He's so adorable and I can just imagine him in school.... Abbie all over again!
Love you Abb!
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