Anthony loves to cook and bake. But he especially loves anything that has dough or batter so he can eat it raw! Gross! He's just like his Grammie! They would both eat powdered milk or pancake mix or any kind or batter or dough! As you can see from his entire head in the bowl, he just can't get enough! He also loves to show off the finished product and always makes sure everyone gets a sampling! He counted out a big plastic bag of muffins to send to Utah naming off the whole family including baby Warner. Grammie was very happy to get his package (wink wink) and he was thrilled that everyone loved his muffins. He sat at the bar and had two when they were fresh, then he stated: "I can't have another one, right?... I guess I could be done for the day." Thats one of his favorite new comments "I'm done for the day." This could refer to eating, picking up toys, bathing.. whatever. Another common response is "FINE!" He usually says it loudly like he's really put up a fight, although that isn't normally the case. I hate to admit it, but he probably got that from me.
Hi Emily, It's great to see you again (even if it's virtual!) You have a beautiful family! We must keep in touch!! God Bless!!!!!
Oh he is so cute! I'll bet you just eat him up.
I love cooking with my kids! He is a cutie.
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